We are a company of passionate community builders, experts, designers and project managers focused on client performance. Our culture is built around acceptance, enriched by diversity and elevated by creativity. Our people have a digital mindset, an eye for opportunity and the drive to make it happen.

Idoia Rodés Torróntegui appointed Group President in charge of People & Culture

Idoia, who has been a part of our company for over 23 years, has been appointed to lead People & Culture, focusing on aligning the group’s strategy and vision across the People & Culture functions to build a high-performance organisation based on our values and culture, and to maximise the power of human interactions.

Our core values

Our values as a group define not only how we do business day to day, but also how we approach every project with a drive to have a positive impact on our clients, our talents and the communities in which we work.

By following these guiding principles, we ensure that whenever we bring people together, we initiate a transformation for the better.

Thriving through diversity

We actively promote diversity within mci group and believe it is an essential source of richness and innovation. We nurture our people, supporting one another with care, respect and warmth. Our strategic approach ensures that each client receives personalised solutions that meet their unique needs and surpass their expectations.

Inspiring breakthrough moments

As a connector, we believe that when people come together, magic happens. We’re proud to act as a bridge between our talent, customers and partners. Together, we create the space for shared breakthrough moments.

Living by growth

We believe an mci group story should always end with a transformation, with a new way to see the world moving forward. We live by growth, striving to stay ahead of the curve and create lasting change.

Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship

To us, sharing the future means sharing the insight, knowledge and practical experience we’ve acquired over 35 years, encouraging and enabling entrepreneurs, innovators and thinkers to thrive.

Diversity, equity & inclusion

Strategic objectives


Review our existing policies from a diversity and equity perspective and put missing policies/guidelines in place (with a focus on a more inclusive hiring programme) by the end of 2024


Annually, 80% of our talents experience a sense of belonging within the company (as measured in our talent engagement survey).


Ensure pay equity throughout all operations and functions by conducting a global salary disparity assessment across all offices before the end of 2024.


100% of our talents are trained and have access to an anti-harassment reporting tool

Key highlights

We achieved an Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) of 29 (19 in 2023)
of our talents intend to stay for the next 12 months (79% in 2023)
of our talents are proud to work for us (85% in 2023)
of our talents feel they can be themselves at work
Learning & development

Strategic objectives


Gain expertise in utilising AI tools to boost productivity, creativity, strategy and professional growth, laying the groundwork for AI knowledge across all business units.


Gather senior leaders from all offices for a strategic learning event focused on networking, best practice exchange, and learning about industry trends, ways of working, well-being, and professional development.


Align local learning strategy to meet the specific business and talent needs by driving ownership of talent development at local level.


Provide equal opportunity and accessibility for all talents to 24/7, on-demand access to learning resources and tools to support their continuous development via a robust Digital Learning Ecosystem

Creating a learning culture, empowering performance

“At mci group, our learning and development focus is to provide talents the opportunity to develop their capabilities and to thrive in their personal and professional journey. With our rich suite of learning resources and a strong digital backbone, we’re dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous learning, building an organisation powered by a highly capable workforce.”

Avinash Chandarana
Group Learning and Development Director

Key figures

8,999 hrs
of learning received by our talents

Mentorship programme

Total Registrations by role (117 mentors and 199 mentees)
Total hours of mentoring completed

Business Academy

of senior leaders attended the business academy
Total participants
Total hours of learning

Local learning activations

of talents participated in local learning activations (for the offices that organised them)
activations organised
Total learning hours received

Learning accessibility

talents actively learning through our on-demand learning platforms
173 days
spent in on-demand learning
Completed resources
80 hours
of online sessions delivered

Digital Acumen programme

Total participants
Global Digital Quotient

Strategic objectives


Our group mental health strategy will be implemented for all the offices by the end of 2024

Key highlights

initiatives on well-being and mental health implemented across the group
We further developed our strategy on mental health and well-being with an extra focus on psychological safety
Community impact

Strategic objectives

As a multinational company with more than 1,600 talents working for clients worldwide, we are uniquely positioned to participate in making positive changes in communities across the globe. In today’s interconnected world, corporate actions wield significant influence, capable of catalysing growth and enrichment within communities. At mci group, we firmly believe that by equipping our teams with the resources and support to amplify their impact, we can bring forth positive change that resonates across global communities.

Key highlights

directly raised in support of local community and charity programmes
indirectly raised through pro bono work and other charity initiatives
2,047 hrs
volunteering for 70 community projects

Through our culture of responsibility and care, we encourage our talents to use their creativity to generate value not only for our business but for the planet and the communities in which we work. Structurally, each office created a local sustainability team to engage their talents and implement local community initiatives based on their needs or affinity. With this vision at our core, we are committed to empowering our employees by ensuring that 100% of our talents are granted a full working day each year to actively engage in community outreach initiatives.

“As Group Internal Communication Assistant, I’ve been collecting dozens of inspiring stories about our agencies’ efforts to empower and support hundreds of communities. It’s exhilarating to see how much passion our CSR teams put into making a positive impact on the people around them. We all come from different horizons, but our genuine desire to help and use our skills to do good unites us all.”

Tania Colsa Tella
Group Internal Communication Assistant

Our achievements

Since 2010, our talents have invested more than 52,000 hours in community projects around the world, raising over €25.5 million.
In 2023, our agencies have supported 70 community projects and directly raised € +421,000 for these programmes. From donation drives to a cycling marathon to giving blood, our talents have again used their creativity and genuine care to help those in need.

Here is a glimpse of some of the local community projects we have initiated or supported in 2023.

MCI Switzerland and Dorier – collection of Christmas presents for children for the Swiss Red Cross
MCI The Netherlands – food donation for Voedselbank Amsterdam
MCI The Netherlands – cycling marathon for the Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s Hospital
MCI Brazil – food and clothes donation drive for children for Casa dos Curumins
MCI Switzerland and Dorier – blood donation for the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
MCI The Netherlands – baking for a local shelter
MCI The Netherlands – walking with the elderly for WoonZorgcentra Haaglanden
MCI USA – donation of children’s toys for She Believes in Me Foundation

Using our expertise for good

In addition to our community outreach initiatives, we leverage our knowledge and connections to assist in coordinating charitable events. In 2023, € +3,565,000 were indirectly raised through pro bono work and other charity initiatives.

Many non-profit organisations lack the resources, expertise or purchasing power that mci group possesses to organise significant events to further their missions. This places us in a distinctive position to orchestrate impactful sustainability events on their behalf.

Moreover, beyond just empowering communities and catalysing change, we view these endeavours as avenues for our team members to apply their abilities meaningfully, fostering a deeper sense of fulfilment and job satisfaction.

Shape the future. Share the future.
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