The power of vulnerability
Naomi Green

Naomi Green is a great example of a talent taking concrete actions for their community, not because it’s impacting them, but because it is the right thing to do. In 2023, Naomi won the Dr. Carolyn Lipshey Galerstein award, which aims to celebrate someone whose work, leadership and community service centres around bringing awareness to and practicing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Involved in several efforts to increase awareness around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Naomi was the perfect candidate to win the prize. She advocates for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), bringing awareness to the need for resources and education for this community, especially those who are also most vulnerable such as communities of colour and members of the LGBTQ+ community, especially Black trans women.

Naomi also serves on the Board for Black Ladies in Public Health, a network of over 16,000 Black women working in various fields of public health providing mentorship, internships, career opportunities, collaborations, and working to advance the impact of Black women in Public Health. She also advocates for the LGBTQ+ community, especially Black trans women, serving on the Board for Texas Pride Impact Funds, Texas’ only community foundation focused on securing a future for LGBTQ+ Texas for generations to come. Additionally, Naomi provides DEI trainings and speaks nationally as an advocate for PLWHA and LGBTQ+ people at conferences, on panels, at universities, on TV, news, radio, print, podcasts, and other media.

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