Sustainable audiovisual design and production

The audiovisual (AV) industry uses energy-intensive equipment to create immersive experiences. This poses an environmental challenge, as our industry consumes a lot of energy, and produces e-waste.

The Dorier team, from our AV Experiences branch, is committed to evolving and finding creative solutions that fulfill our clients’ desires to engage and inspire their audiences, all while minimising environmental impact at events.

Dorier holds ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications, underscoring their commitment to ongoing environmental performance enhancements

Here are some of their strategies: 

  • Source green and smart control technologies
  • Waste management processes
  • Support a circular economy by giving preference to material that can be repurposed or recycled
  • Leverage their strategic alliances with 100+ audiovisual companies in over 80 countries (to minimise equipment transportation and staff travel)
  • Use their skills and reach to educate and raise awareness about sustainability issues and solutions.

“Metaverse – a brand new world

The metaverse is an exciting realm that merges physical and virtual reality, creating a shared space where users can interact with each other and digital objects in real time.

These technological revolutions invite us to rethink the entire digital strategies and business models of the future, including de facto the event industry. Instead of flying across the globe for conferences, imagine attending them virtually within the metaverse. Participants can interact, network and share knowledge without leaving their homes, and we can provide them with an immersive experience while significantly reducingthe carbon footprint associated with travel.

The metaverse promises to transform how we interact, socialise and build communities, but it relies on energy-intensive technologies, so let’s use it wisely to create a more sustainable future!” Nicolas Hersant Managing Director, Dorier Group

AI for Good Global Summit

Dorier orchestrated and operated the technical environment for the International Telecommunication Union’s AI for Good Global Summit, an influential platform driving AI advancements in global development priorities such as health, climate, and gender equality. They also held engaging workshops on immersive AI experiences.

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