Stakeholder engagement and materiality

Stakeholder engagement and materiality process is a key part of our sustainability strategy. The scope and issues covered in our 2023 report are selected based on the GRI standards reporting principles, the GRI boundary protocol, stakeholder input from the materiality assessment, and ongoing trend analysis.

We take a precautionary approach to our sustainability strategy and report on issues that are material to our current and future business and to our stakeholders: our talents, clients, suppliers, our industry, shareholders, the community, media, NGOs, governments and regulators.

The stakeholder engagement process follows eight steps conducted as part of the reporting process. These steps include managing and reviewing key stakeholders, conducting surveys with key stakeholders, researching trends affecting the business, reviewing third-party research to understand global megatrends, conducting an internal risk assessment, assessing all identified issues and prioritising critical issues for focus within the strategy, reviewing, discussing, giving feedback and approval by executive management, and presenting findings to key stakeholders for review.

We are currently assessing the disclosure gaps between our present environmental, social and governance reporting and the new EU CSR Directives. As part of the process, we will conduct a double materiality, which will be presented in our next report.

For now, our approach is still based on our last materiality assessment, which consisted of formal and informal methods, such as online surveys of our talents, surveys sent to our corporate and institutional clients, and interviews with clients, suppliers and industry partners.

Further input was solicited after the survey results were shared with the respective stakeholders. Our shareholders were addressed through the management team and the advisory board.

The full results details can be found in our 2022 report ( PDF 10.7mb ).

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