Our path to Net Zero

As a founding signatory to the Net Zero Carbon Events (NZCE) pledge in 2021, we committed to the following four actions:

  • Publish before the end of 2024 our pathway to achieve net zero by 2050 at the latest, with an interim target in line with the Paris Agreement’s requirement to reduce global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 50% by 2030.
  • Collaborate with partners, suppliers, and customers to drive change across the value chain.
  • Measure and track our Scope 1, 2, and 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions according to industry best practice.*
  • Report on progress at least every two years.*

    *Measuring and reporting since 2009.

As part of our EU CSR Directives gap analysis, we plan to conduct a double materiality in 2024,which helps us refine our pathway to net zero. For now, we have identified the following key elements of our approach:

  • 3% emission reduction annually (base year 2019), across our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions from our own operations focusing on:
    • Fuel efficiency for company trucks (Dorier Group)
    • Energy efficiency and purchase of renewable energy
    • Continue to implement and improve existing energy efficiency programmes across our Information Technology (IT) landscape
  • Reduce impact of our travel (for business or internal), including better monitoring and development of travel policies.
    • Continue to support our clients in their sustainability transformation
    • Systematically offer sustainable solutions in all our proposals
    • Measure the environmental cost of the production of their projects
    • Collaborate and educate our suppliers; especially around sustainability metrics.

We know that it will not be possible to reduce all our GHG emissions to zero. We will balance any remaining emissions through high-quality nature-based climate solutions

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