Operational risk assessment

A formal risk management process takes place every year, in which mci group key stakeholders identify and assess global operational risks. The top 12 risks are then presented and validated by the Board.

To continue to move the group’s sustainability efforts forward, a specific action plan to mitigate these key risks is defined and monitored for next year’s risk assessment.

Our risk assessment process reviews over 90 risks, which are divided into eight areas:

  • Business development
  • Fraud
  • Governance/structure
  • Human resources (HR)
  • Information technology (IT)
  • Laws and regulations/compliance
  • Reporting control
  • Reputation

Key risks identified in 2023 (for 2024):

  • Loss of key personnel – Failure to retain employees
  • Mental Health – NEW
  • Cyberattack
  • Inability to charge more to clients due to rising costs
  • Lack of productivity and unified systems, no adherence to operational processes
  • High-risk pricing models
  • Incorrect/incomplete contracting with customers and suppliers
  • Acquisition mistakes
  • Climate change – NEW (Stricter compliance with regulation, cost increase)
  • Macroeconomic developments leading to global slowdown or business interruption, e.g. because of a pandemic, a war...
  • Losing the technology race – NEW
  • Unforeseen AI impact on the business – NEW
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