Measuring our carbon footprint

We are constantly refining what and how we measure to be increasingly transparent, reliable and accurate. In 2023, we launched globally a new carbon emission measurement solution. This new tool uses the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), which is considered the world carbon tracking methodology, as well as using emission factors from the French database, Base Carbone® by the ADEME (the French environmental and energy agency), and other certified databases.

Our new tool is certified by CDP (a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts), the ABC (owner of the Bilan Carbone® methodology, the French equivalent of the GHG Protocol), and AICPA for data security and ISO compliance.

There are some limitations to the scope of our measurements this year, which will be corrected in our future reporting:

Our waste emissions are based on the international average per FTE, but we identified the need to consider also the waste generated from Dorier group’s operations and activities (AV and event production).

Employee commuting: a complex measuring exercise, and industry-specific, as our talents don’t work regular hours/days, we offer flex work, and we have people working fully remotely. We are working on a methodology to calculate this for 2024. Our methodology to collect the business travel brings too much data uncertainty, so we are looking at solutions to better track our talents’ travel.

The use of monetary emission factor for Dorier’s audiovisual investment is subject to the impact of exchange rate fluctuation; we will analyse these expenses in more detail to set a more appropriate emission factor.

Between 2022 and 2023, our carbon footprint increased by 5%. This can be explained by a wider scope for analysing our emissions compared to previous years, as we included all our purchases of services and office supplies, three additional offices and the impact of the exchange rate against the investments in audiovisual equipment made by Dorier this year.

Business travel represents more than half of our total emissions, which is less than in previous years, but our overall travel carbon footprint has reduced. This is due to the change of method in calculating flights (adjusted to the ADEME methodology).

We also consumed a total of 704325 kWh of energy, including an equivalent of 33859 kWh of fuel for our vehicles, 40772 kWh in gas and 670466 kWh in electricity. At constant office perimeter, we increased our consumption by 2%. We are investigating what caused that increase in energy.

Renewable energy represents a large part of our energy consumption, and two of our largest offices use 100% renewable energy (from our own solar or geothermal solutions, and from contracted grid). In 2023, several of our offices switched to co-working spaces to optimise their environmental impact.

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