Key impacts, risks and opportunities

Economic impacts

Our 2023 revenue and direct financial impact reached almost €493.1 million.

Not only do the projects we organise generate revenue for our company and tax for the local governments where we operate, they also provide a return on investment for our clients, whilst generating indirect income for local businesses.

This injection of capital into local areas helps to create jobs, drive tourism and even accelerate innovation and economic development.

When considering its wider indirect and induced impacts, the travel and tourism sector contributed an estimated USD 7.7 trillion to the global economy last year, and supported more than 295 million jobs. This equals 9.2% of the world’s GDP, and approximately 1 in 10 jobs. (Forecasted 2023 figures published by the World Travel & Tourism Council).

Environmental impacts

In 2023, we managed close to 5,100 projects across 30+ countries, bringing 1.95 million participants.

With the evolution of our service offerings, we’re shifting towards more online activations, which reduces our direct (travel) and indirect impact.

Strategic Consulting

Large-scale on-the-ground experiences are highly resource-intensive and can have positive and negative environmental consequences for the host city and population.

Our direct environmental impacts are the energy used to power our offices, the carbon emissions from data traffic and storage, waste, talent mobility and travel.

Our highest emission source is the travel we do to manage our client projects (close to 60% of our total CO2 footprint). Indirectly, if we include our client events in our total footprint, our impacts are transportation, waste, water and energy consumption, food and beverage and materials usage (communication and materials, audiovisual, etc.).

Social impact

Events bring people together and, by their very nature, impact our talents, suppliers, attendees and the communities where we operate.

Our social impacts include labour practices, human rights, occupational health and safety, training and education, community citizenship and investment, communication and legacy.

We believe that by engaging and supporting local communities and international sustainability causes, we can leave a positive legacy through education, workshops and collaborations.

Participating more deeply in local economies by employing local talent, choosing local suppliers and adding a community element to support local needs will also have a positive impact.

Since 2010, mci group talents have raised close to €25.5 million for community projects.

In 2023, we made an indirect contribution of over €3.5 million in pro-bono event management and through the fundraising programs we helped to run, excluding any charity programmes organised within client projects.

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