Data privacy and information

Protecting personal information is crucial to ensure sustainable operations. We are committed to adhering to strict data protection regulations, and have put in place robust policies and technical measures to secure all the information we collect.

To ensure our methods and procedures remain effective over time, our group’s data protection officer and chief information officer regularly review our policies and standards, adapting them to changes in our business, technology, infrastructure and regulations.

Our systems and processes comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ISO 27001 for Information Security Management Systems, and ISO 27701 for Privacy Information Management Systems, ensuring they are secure and meet high standards. We also conduct training sessions for our talents and local referents. Every member of our team has signed a dedicated data privacy charter, which reminds them of their rights and responsibilities concerning data protection.

In recent years, as we’ve shifted towards more virtual and hybrid solutions for our clients, we’ve updated our processes and policies to suit these changes.

“The aim is to embrace innovation in a compliant way Anne Lesca DPO, Risk and Compliance Officer

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