
We’re proud to announce that in 2023 we’ve renewed the ISO27001 (Information security management systems) and ISO27701 (Privacy Information Management System) certifications. We’ve also added Dorier Suisse SA services to the scope.

These certifications and methodologies ensure that our data and talents are protected, and our teams are equipped to complete the necessary actions to protect our data.

As part of our onboarding programme, we provide IT security training for new talents joining the group, making sure we have a participation rate above 80%, and we run regular awareness campaigns on fraud and phishing alerts across all our agencies.

To ensure that teams can remain in the know, we also make all policies and best practices readily available at any time on our intranet. We even created an IT Charter that every talent must sign, so that we can maximise security and awareness as early as possible in the recruitment process.

In 2023 we also achieved an outstanding score of 939 out of 1,000 in the CyberVadis cybersecurity assessment. This places mci group among the best in the industry for data protection and risk management.

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