Sustainability, circular economy and converging industries: the key trends in international and European public affairs

Societal shifts such as digitisation, decarbonisation and the sharing economy are leading industries to converge and seek partnerships beyond their traditional realm. They generate new policy challenges for governments the world over. logos, our global public affairs and communications agency, is helping businesses and organisations to navigate through complex policy making and regulatory processes, and to get their voices heard.

Already active in the sustainability, energy and mobility sectors, Logos is also fostering cross-industry synergies. One example is the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA), which brings together the automotive, technology and telecommunications industries (ICT), working together to improve the overall transportation industry to make it safer, greener and more efficient for vehicles, road users and the surrounding infrastructure.

They are also currently working on a project to hold a conference for C-level corporate leaders to discuss ESG reporting regimes.

“Technology, climate change and globalisation are pushing industries to converge, and transforming the way we live, work, move and consume. As major economic sectors adapt, they must forge robust circular economy value chains with far-reaching impacts. At logos, our mission is to serve as a vital bridge connecting organisations, policymakers and communities. Through collaboration, we aim to facilitate sustainable practices that yield positive environmental and societal outcomes.” Frédéric Soudain Managing Director, logos

Connecting Europe’s decision-makers at the 2023 European EnerGreenDeal Conference

In June 2023, logos and Business Bridge Europe brought together EU decision-makers and business leaders in the energy sector for the 3rd European EnerGreenDeal Conference: a unique space in which to meet and shape the future of energy in Europe.

European Commission Executive Vice-President for the EU Green Deal Frans Timmermans and Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson were among those involved in the discussions, which closely examined the delicate balance between competitiveness, sustainability and energy security in Europe. You can read our 10 takeaways here.

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