Carbon footprint for our clients’ projects

Connections and social interactions are an integral part of human life. Events are where people meet, celebrate, share and learn. Like many other human activities, large-scale in-person events are often accompanied by a significant climate footprint.

The average conference produces 1.89kg of waste per day for each attendee, and 176.67 kilograms of CO2 emissions per person, according to MeetGreen. Over three days, a large corporate event could therefore contribute around 3,480kg of waste to landfill. A third of what is disposed of during an event is recyclable, and delegate travel accounts for almost 90% of its carbon emissions.

We want to accompany our clients on their sustainability journeys and we feel it is our responsibility to propose more sustainable choices to reduce the carbon footprint of the projects we run on their behalf.

In 2023, we launched two new tools to help measure, reduce and, if needed, offset our client projects’ carbon emissions. In order to ensure all our events are going above and beyond on sustainability, we are committed to integrating an environmental approach to 100% of our clients’ proposals by the end of 2024.

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