Case story: Delivering fully integrated sustainability consulting for a cause
“Raising Generation ImmUnity”

Hosted by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which helps vaccinate children against deadly and debilitating infectious diseases, the Global Vaccine Impact Conference convened world leaders and immunisation experts around the theme “Raising Generation ImmUnity”.

MCI Spain was mandated to ensure sustainable practices were integrated into all aspects of the event, from the selection of suppliers to the choice of menus or decoration to the carbon footprint calculation and offsetting strategy. Our teams at MCI Spain designed a sustainability strategy following key objectives: Rethink, Reduce, Reuse & Replace. To do so, only suppliers with sustainability certifications were sourced.

Thanks to Trace, MCI Spain identified the environmental impact of the event. Using MyClimate, our teams compensated the event’s carbon emissions by supporting a project providing biogas systems which benefit Nepalese families.

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