Case story: Crestron Summit – combining consultative excellence with sustainable operational mastery
The Crestron Summit

The Crestron Summit aimed to elevate a conference to align with the brand’s global tech workplace summit in North America and Asia. The summit was designed to run smoothly with multiple digital touchpoints, brand amplification, and a sustainable approach.

MCI Australia’s honest open dialogue related everything back to the summit narrative, which was a driving factor of MCI’s growth across the event. MCI meshed perfectly acting as a valuable extension of the Crestron team while filling in gaps and becoming a trusted adviser.

Our team’s comprehensive approach, combining strategic alignment, operational excellence, consultative guidance, and creative sustainability, resulted in a successful event that met and exceeded the client’s expectations.

Key highlights

  • Reusable modular re-board signs made from recycled cardboard
  • Green certified furniture supplier Valiant: 100% carbon-neutral featuring textiles made from recycled plastics, recyclable packaging and energy-efficient warehousing
  • Digital collateral and QR code integration to reduce the need for print waste
  • Recycled leather notebooks (merchandise)
  • Green certified venue
  • Sustainable menu options
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