Case story: Paris Peace Forum – Helping to build bridges for worldwide peace
Paris Peace Forum

For the sixth consecutive year, the Paris Peace Forum gathered key players in worldwide governance on November 10-11 at the Palais Brongniart. The focus of the 2023 Forum was to “Seek Common Ground in a World of Rivalry”, amidst growing divisions, posing a threat to international collaboration on critical global challenges.

MCI France is proud to have accompanied the Paris Peace Forum teams, uniting 4,000 attendees in over 80 sessions featuring speakers from governments, international organisations, civil society, the private sector, philanthropy and academia.

At this edition of the Peace Forum, we made significant strides towards sustainability. We took a holistic approach to reduce our environmental impact by implementing various initiatives.

Key highlights

  • Use of environmentally-friendly cardboard badges, minimising the use of plastic and other non-biodegradable materials
  • Waste management ensuring proper recycling and disposal practices
  • Reuse of existing infrastructure and materials such as structures, signage and audiovisual equipment from previous editions of the Forum
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