Case story: Delivering a 360º sustainability approach to bringing great minds together

HSM+ is the annual rendezvous for Brazilian entrepreneurs and executives to connect with top scholars from prestigious international universities. During this two-day event, executives participated in lectures and workshops, gaining insights into the global market’s challenges.

MCI Brazil approached HSM+ 2023 with a holistic sustainability strategy; from ensuring diversity, equity and inclusion to reducing the environmental impact by compensating carbon emissions, all aspects of sustainability were considered. On site, an ESG specialist was constantly monitoring the event, managing waste separation, checking all ESG items, and training teams and suppliers.

Key highlights

  • Environmental: 158.1 tons of CO2 emissions compensated by planting 790 trees.
  • DEI: multi-gender bathrooms, diverse speakers and staff, in terms of gender, origins and disabilities.
  • Training with 100% of suppliers: discrimination inclusion, waste management, people.
  • This project won mci group’s Sustainability Award in the category “Client Project”.
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